Archive for Basement

Back from summer vacation

A number of weeks have passed since the last update here. Our family participated in some weddings, a funeral and a sailing trip around Vancouver Island, Canada.

Over the next two weeks we will post a daily collection of great links that were forwarded via email while we were away.

HGTV with ideas for greening your home

If you like the idea of being green but aren’t sure how to achieve it, visit the HGTV green home blog. HGTV is building an eco-friendly home and then giving it away upon completion. I have learned a few helpful tips and for those just dipping their feet into the pools of eco-awareness you may renovate or decorate with a whole new mindset. – link

Green Home Makeover Video – Part 1

Alive & Well TV Green Home Makeover Part 1. This is great video to watch to get ideas to make your home more eco-friendly. The video features furnishings that are free of particleboard and made from environmentally friendly, natural, sustainable and/or recycled materials. – link

Green home arrives via truck

The PowerPod is a modular home that incorporates many green design elements, including a solar butterfly roof that collects rainwater and includes an active solar array for electricity and hot water. – link

Green home going up in British Columbia

But the house isn’t just a flashy modern pad, it’s loaded with environmentally conscious design features, such as: Reclaimed cedar siding, Concrete floors with hydronic radiant heat, Recessed compact fluorescent lighting, Ecosmart fireplace, Double glazed windows, Construction with insulated concrete forms, Low-flow toilets, faucets and showers, On-demand hot water heating and Good passive solar heat gain. link.

Top 10 Green Building Blogs

I’ve been at the blogging thing for close to a year and wanted to celebrate some blogs that are doing a dang good job providing green building information. There’s nothing empirical about this list. I didn’t use Technorati or Google Page Rank, although these metrics are important to look at. . link.

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Google Blog Search – Green stories for July 3, 2006

We found the following green stories for July 3, 2006 via Google Blog Search.

Daily green stories from Google Blog Search

Interested in learning more about Biodesiel?

Biodiesel magazine launches new website [] : JUNE 29, 2006-To accentuate its existing publication Biodiesel Magazine, BBI International Media has launched it’s newest Web site,

Need more incentive for building green?

Building Green = $$$ []: “A new study by the Real Property Association of Canada reveals that adding green features to a building equals better sale value! Rick Nevin and Gregory Watson found that people pay $10-$20 more for a home for every $1 reduction in …”

Learning to conserve from the energy-poor

Will Energy-Poor Nations (and States) Become Models for the Rest [] …: “In both places, the governments have implemented ambitious conservation, renewable energy and green building standards that they hope will lessen their dependence on imports. What really got me thinking, though, was this statement: …”

Wind energy being harvested in South America

Wind Energy Park in Brazil Starts Operating. []

[tags]Google Blog Search, blog, blogging, daily, internet, reviews, weblog, news[/tags]

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The Internet is a big energy wasting, power sucking HOG

We read this post from Andreas Schiffler on the Institute for Distributed Creativity (iDC) mailing list and wanted to share it with the readers of the Ramsay House Project. The iDC focuses on collaboration in media art, technology, and theory with an emphasis on social contexts. As we try to go green and build our new home with eco-friendly materials, it’s easy to forget about all the other ways energy is used in our lives.

I’d like to make a quick ecologically motivated post to the list.

It is amazing how easy it is to forget and ignore a simple fact: the Internet with all its “free” communication and information is a big energy wasting, power sucking HOG of a construction. Once you’ve read the numbers below, there can be no doubt why there is a digital divide and Africans don’t need a donation of our old PCs: only the affluent can afford to “plug-in” and operate that kind of juice-sucking machinery in the first place.

Take Google for a start: Google operates one of the largest computer-clusters on the planet, to provide us with a sub-second search result (and the ads that go with it). They run upwards of 250K servers, collectively consuming a staggering 20 Megawatts of power for a nice electricity bill: 175 Gigawatt-hours per year – almost a Million Dollars a month. And that’s just their server farm, never mind the offices and equipment that connects it to the rest of the world. —

At the time when “Energy-Star” labels went onto most Dell PCs in 1999, the experts were discussing the total power consumption of office equipment and network infrastructure. An estimate of 74 TeraWatt-hours (TWh) per year is estimated up. The Internet barely makes a blip in the total (copiers and laser-printers are just way better “consumers” than modems), with telecommunications equipment taking about 5-10% of this total or about 7Twh/y … note that this is in 1999 and for the US only. —

A few year later in 2002-2003, the reports were refined and give a number of scenarios with interesting sounding names like “Zaibatsu”, “Cybertopia” and “Net Insecurity” which solidify a new conservative estimate to around 3.5% of TOTAL power consumption. —

Today usage is further up (as usage grows), so we can assume a conservative level of 4% of total power consumption, factor in the 4TW of US usage in 2006 and get a nice amount of 1401 TWh/year (including all the office equipment again). Thus our 5% Internet portion, is now at a whopping 70 TWh/year – perfectly in line with the 10-fold grows in hostnames from 1999 to today as reported by Netcraft. —

Will the trend continue. Sure it will! With more always-on-devices and entertainment platforms like the PS3 that would be considered a supercomputer just 10 years ago, we will definitely continue to use more power for our IT needs. Even though companies such as Apple like to put a positive spin on it — — the fact is, that current hardware (CPUs, video cards and even networking equipment) will use more power. And new operating systems like Microsoft’s Vista, which will require a 3D accelerator card (the second largest power consumer in a PC) – a software move that will push for more transistors running at higher speeds on Millions of desks. Thermal design is really the primary limiting factor in microchip design today and current processors burn up as much as 100W of power when in use. —

But hey, I forgot one more thing: The production costs for all the equipment that runs the show! Its a bit like the hybrid-car-connundrum: Forget hybrids, but give me a car that lasts 5 more years – that’s green. Because on a whole, the longer lasting car will probably save more energy than driving one of the latest battery-powered gizmos would – because a lot of energy is spend on making the car in the first place. The same applies to the tech equipment: Five new computers over a period
of 10 years (28GJ) is about two-thirds of a car (47GJ) in terms of energy consumption for production. —

So this leaves my environmental conscience – as tech worker, full-time programmer, dare I say internet-addict – with quite a bad feeling about the whole thing and one can only hope that technological advances will turn the trend around in the near future. As an individual, I think one
can try to do more with less, keep the old stuff and live with simpler cooler-running technology as long as possible. But in the end it leaves me still a searching for practical answers … Maybe after we get this
email, we can all turn off our monitors for 1 minute (and save some power, maybe the planet). 😉

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Know about green building? Write for us!

We are looking for fellow green builders and/or eco-friendly construction enthusiasts!

Have you always wanted to be a ‘blogger’ but didn’t know how to get started?

We would love to see more stories posted here, so we are putting out a call for contributors. If you would like to donate some spare time and share the stories you have found on the internet relating to green home building or related topics, then drop us a line. If you have an idea for other topics, posts or stories we would also love to hear from you!

No experience is necessary and we will help you get started.

Please email if you are interested in becoming a regular contributor to the Ramsay House Project blog.


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Site inspection, April 28 2006

Much has happened in the past two weeks with our house project in Ramsay (to be clear, Ramsay is the name of the Calgary community where our house is being built – not our family name!). We appeared in the Earth Day edition of Dose magazine and were pleased with the attention and interest. We hope that some of our green and eco-friendly links have helped others. We had a lot of fun putting this website together and collecting links, stories and other peoples experiences with green building on the web.

As for our house project, our new contractor spent most of the past two weeks getting things in shape for work to progress again. This meant cleaning everything up, putting up a metal fence around the entire property, calling all new trades in and having inspections of past work, removing all the first floor, preparing for concrete pads to be re-poured (as a couple were in the wrong location) and cleaning out the in-fill which started to cave in.

No one was on-site when we looked around, as it was 6:30pm on a Friday night! But we were completely blown away by how the site has been transformed into a clean, professional and accurate work place. Our neighbor came out and told us how happy she was to actually see some work being done on the house. We assured her that we were also extremely exited to see the construction start again!

Click here to view more photo’s from our April 28th, site inspection.

[tags]photos,photo blogs,blog,blogging,daily,internet,reviews,weblog,news[/tags]

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Win a plasma television

If half of all households replaced their regular TV with an ENERGY STAR model, the change would be like shutting down a power plant. Findthemoney is currently offering a chance to learn more about financing options for renovations & new home building while giving away a new plasma television every day.

We all certainly agree that your home is your most important investment, so are any renovations you do to it. Sometimes when you think you need a change, the best decision you can make is to stay right where you are and add to the value of your home.

Scotiabank (and all banks) offer a number of financing options to choose from. The cost of your renovations can help determine which option is best for you. Begin by figuring out how much money you need and when you need it. Do you need it all up front or in stages as the job progresses?

Visit Findthemoney website to learn more about home financing and enter to win a new energy efficient plasma television with draws daily!

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Leave a Comment Status Report – March 22, 2006

Our latest status report for our home-building project status has been pulished over at CityHippy. Please read about the project and add our friends at CityHippy to your bookmarks at the same time! Here is what they had to say about our latest status report:

Here in part 6 (see part 5 here) of our regular updates from RamsayHome we hear good news about how spring has sprung and the project seems not only on track but better resourced too. Plus the Ramsay’s got to spend time in a very cool place. Last post all seemed gloomy but it is funny how things seem to work out in the end eh?


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BASF Launches

BASF Launches Financial News – Yahoo! Finance

The website steps the visitor through the home using a systems approach that integrates the three key elements to high performance building — the building exterior, mechanical HVAC and solar power.

The website allows the user to navigate the Near-Zero Energy Home in minutes and take from the experience real solutions and resources.

“The launch of and the demonstration home are in keeping with BASF’s long standing commitment to sustainable development and bringing cost-effective solutions to the building and construction industry — especially in cities like Paterson, N.J., where cost savings achieved through improved energy efficiency and low-maintenance durability are most needed,” according to Jack Armstrong, business manager for BASF’s Styropor® and expanded polystyrene business in North America.

Once the construction and demonstration phases are completed, the Near Zero Energy Home will be donated to the nonprofit St. Michael’s Housing Corporation as a home for a local family with a quadriplegic son. The project showcases elements of universal design to accommodate the family’s special needs.

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Site Inspection – February 3, 2006

We stopped by the construction site on Friday, February 3rd and saw that the living-room warmboard has been installed and the kitchen floor trusses are in place. This picture was taken from the future living room looking towards the kitchen.

More photographs from our February 3, 2006 site inspection have been posted in our gallery.

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Site Inspection, January 31st 2006

Framing – Day 2

Originally uploaded by ramsayhome.

The framers were on site again on Tuesday. More pictures from this day have been posted to our new Flickr gallery.


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Site Inspection, January 30th 2006

Floor truss system

Originally uploaded by ramsayhome.

The framers were on site on Monday putting more of the first floor truss system in place and laying down the Warmboard product. More pictures from this day have been posted to our new Flickr gallery.


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Warmboard – Radiant Subfloor

As the framers begin putting the floor systems in place, we have had to organize all the materials required for the wamth of our home. Geothermal heat exchange is what will provide the energy for heating the Ramsay House Project. The geothermal unit will heat water which will then be circulated through the flooring of the house.

To circulate the warm water through the floor of our house, we will be using the Warmboard Radiant Subfloor system.

Detailed diagram of the Warmboard Radiant Subfloor system.

The Warmboard company describes their Radiant Subfloor product as: a structural subfloor, Warmboard is stiff, strong and especially tough. It can be sawn with a Skilsaw and nailed or screwed directly to your floor joists just like any conventional subfloor. The same labor that would ordinarily install just a subfloor, installs a high performance radiant panel system, saving you time and labor from the very beginning. Other radiant heat systems are more labor intensive because they’re added either above or below the subfloor. Warmboard is the subfloor.

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Framing! Site Inspection – January 29th, 2006

Framers have started at the Ramsay Construction Project

The framing crew arrived today and started laying down the first floor directly on the ICF blocks and the concrete. The truss system will be secured into the walls during the next concrete pour. The concrete will pour around each truss, casting it into place within the wall.

More images from our January 29th site inspection have been posted to the gallery.

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Site Inspection, January 25th 2006

Dampproofing and Waterproofing - January 25th, 2006

More preliminary work prior to the framing of the first level. The contractor has just applied the Soprema bitumen waterproofing membranes. This material will keep the structure waterproof below grade.

More pictures from January 25th, 2006 are online in the gallery.

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Site Inspection, January 23th 2006

Where the floor truses go in the insulated-concrete-form wall

Although the framing crew has not yet started, the rest of the pre-framing work has been completed today. The framers will start first thing tomorrow morning. It was a great day for weather and Urban Tech Homes from Calgary took advantage of that and cleaned the site and marked the walls for the installation of the floor trusses and beams. The rest of the images from the Site Inspection on Wednesday, January 23rd 2006 have been posted in the gallery.

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Site Inspection, January 20th 2006

The foundation level, overlooking the city

No one was on-site working today, so we decided to take some pictures of our house from the street. This shot was taken while standing on the sidewalk in-front of our future house. The white blocks are the insulated concrete forms (ICF) which have been filled with concrete. The framers will be putting the flooring down for the first floor this Monday and more ICF blocks will extend up from there.

This picture also shows how we are developing our house into the hill-side to take advantage of both our unique location and to have less of an impact on our neighbors view of Calgary.

There are more pictures of how the Ramsay House Project looked on January 20th, 2006

[tags]building, construction, sustainable, house, concrete, icf[/tags]

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Site Inspection, January 18th 2006

Electrical service installation - Onsite inspection, January 18th, 2006

We found out today that the framing has been delayed due to some wrong measurements. The good news is that the correct floor trusses have already arrived on-site and the framing crew will return on Monday January 23rd.

The electrician (Rinaldi Electric in Calgary) was on-site and finished the rough-in for the electrical service. Here you see the pipe that will come out of the basement floor and into the mechanical room of our house. This large pipe will contain the electrical wires and the smaller pipes are for communications.

We have some more pictures in our gallery from the Wednesday January 18th Site Inspection.

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Site Inspection – Tuesday January 17th, 2006

Site Inspection - Tuesday January 17th, 2006

The framing still has not been started, but today the electrician from Rinaldi Electric was on-site. We had a special request that our meter be inside the basement’s mechanical room, so the installation was not as easy as most projects. See more pictures of the electrical service being installed by viewing the January 17th Gallery page.

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Home Buyers Put Faith in Concrete

Dec. 23–With hurricanes and higher energy costs regularly in the news, housing construction suppliers of concrete-form systems are hoping for a surge in business.

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Site Inspection – Monday January 16th, 2006

Site Inspection - January 16th, 2006

The framing still has not started on the house project. The weather for Calgary today was around -2 C, which is much higher then the seasonal norms. All the material is now on-site except for the warm boards, so we do not expect much more of a delay.

Click here to view more pictures from Monday, January 16th 2006.

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Site Inspection, January 14th 2006

Framing materials arrive, Saturday September 14th - Ramsay House Construction Project

Although the framing hadn’t started by Saturday afternoon, Marcello from Urban Tech Homes in Calgary dropped off the remaining materials needed for the start of the framing stage of our house construction.

Click here to see more pictures from Saturday January 14th, 2006.

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Site Inspection, January 13th 2006

Site Inspection, January 13th 2006

The framers haven’t arrived yet, but construction of the first level flooring system should take place on January 14th. Marcello from Urban Tech Homes started to dig under the foundation for the electrical service to be installed.

Click here to see more pictures from this day.

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Site Inspection, January 12th 2006

Site Inspection, January 12th 2006 - Ramsay House Project

Although nothing has changed on the site, the framing crew was preparing to start the first floor installation the next day (Friday January 13th 2006). Click here to see more pictures of the site from this day.

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Snow! Site Inspection – January 11th, 2006

Snow falls overnight on the construction site - Site Inspection - January 11th, 2006

We had a break in the very mild winter so far last night as snow fell on the construction site.

Click here to see more pictures from Wednesday, January 11th 2006.

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5 Day Forecast for construction site

5 Day Forecast from Environment Canada

Issued: 7.43 AM MST Wednesday 11 January 2006

Today: Periods of snow. Fog patches dissipating this morning. High minus 2.

Tonight: Periods of snow ending late this evening then increasing cloudiness. Low minus 7.

Thursday: Clearing early in the afternoon. Wind becoming west 20 km/h late in the day. High plus 1.

Friday: Cloudy. Low minus 7. High plus 2.

Saturday: Cloudy. Low minus 3. High plus 1.

Sunday: A mix of sun and cloud. Low minus 9. High minus 3.

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Site Inspection – January 10, 2006

Site Inspection, January 10, 2006

Only one image of the construction site today. Moments after this picture was taken, the framing of the foundation level was discussed between Marcello from Urban Tech Homes and Creations in Wood which is supplying the framers. The framing of the first floor truss system will occur Friday January 13, 2006.

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Site Inspection – January 9th, 2006

Photos taken on January 9th, 2006

The first floor truss system, ready to be installed on January 13th, 2006.

The first floor truss system sits on site, ready to be installed on January 13th 2006.

View more house building images from our January 9th, 2006 site visit.

[tags]house, building, construction, ecology, green, eco-friendly, gallery, photos, images[/tags]

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Site Inspection – January 7th 2006

Photos taken on January 7th, 2006

Site Inspection, January 7th 2006

See more photos of our January 7th, 2005 house visit at our online gallery.

[tags]house building, project, contractor, ecology, green, eco-friendly, canada[/tags]

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Pictures from January 6th, 2006

Photos taken on January 6th, 2006.

Marcello from Urban Tech Homes talking to Busy Bee Construction

Marcello from Urban Tech Homes discusses the floor system with an interested framing company.

View more photos from the January 6th house visit at our image gallery.

[tags]urban tech homes, building, bad contractors, debts, bills, eco-friendly, ecology, green, home building, photos, images, galleries[/tags]

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Site Inspection- January 4th, 2006

Photos taken on January 4th, 2006

Site Inspection - January 4th, 2006

View more pictures taken on January 4th, 2006 at our home construction project hosted on our gallery.

[tags]house, construction, project, gallery, photos, green, eco-friendly[/tags]

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December 10, 2005

Photographs taken on December 10, 2005.

We found no one working when we stopped by the house project on December 10th, 2005. You can see the rest of the pictures we took on December 10, 2005 at our gallery.

[tags]home, house, construction, project, green, eco-friendly, gallery, images, photos[/tags]

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Site Inspection – November 12, 2005

Photographs from November 12, 2005

More ICF block installation.

Click here to see more pictures from this day.

[tags]home, house, building, construction, photos, green, eco-friendly[/tags]

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Site Inspection – November 11, 2005

Photographs taken on November 11, 2005.

More ICF installed by Urban Tech Homes.

More ICF blocks installed by Urban Tech Homes. You can view more images from the November 11, 2005 inspection

at our gallery.

[tags]home, house, construction, project, photos, gallery, images, green, eco-friendly[/tags]

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ICF installation – November 4, 2005

Photographs from November 4, 2005

This was the first time we saw the ICF blocks installed on site.

This was the first time we saw the ICF blocks installed in the Ramsay House Project by Urban Tech Homes. You can view the rest of the pictures from November 4, 2005 at our gallery.

[tags]icf, concrete, home, building, project, eco-friendly, green, gallery, images, photos[/tags]

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Footings inspection, October 26, 2006

Photograph taken on October 26, 2006

Image of the construction site just prior to the inspection by Structural Engineer Daryl Richardson

Image of the construction site just prior to the inspection by Structural Engineer Daryl Richardson. You can view more photographs from October 26, 2005 at our gallery.

[tags]home, house, construction, project, green, eco-friendly[/tags]

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October 12, 2005

Photograph taken on October 12, 2005

Ramsay House Project Footings

Footings for the Ramsay House Project, installed by Urban Tech Homes. You can view more images from October 12, 2005 at our gallery.

[tags]home, house, construction, project, green, eco-friendly[/tags]

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