Steve Wozniak is going green

Found this story about Apple founder, Steve Wozniak, and his ambition to build a green home in the future.

“I have a long dream to build my own house in a very energy-efficient approach. That’s going to be very soon. It uses the right kind of wood that serves as a heater and as an air conditioner, combined with some other techniques in how the wood is assembled to operate energy life pressure. You don’t have to add energy into a house after you build it. I love that concept. It’s like the way I used to make computers. I want to build it myself. That’s a project that could be finished this summer, next summer, but not too far from now.”

Read the rest of the article at

[tags]steve,wozniak,apple,engineer,green,energy-efficient,california,silicon valley,cupertino[/tags]

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