Making green renovations worth it

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For the past couple of weeks, has been following a green makeover of sorts. This week, they are looking at the heating situation.

Let’s skip the new green studio for a minute. The big task of the past few days has been in the main house. Some background: as I pointed out a while back, I had thought that Boulder city code would require our new studio building to have a backup heating source in addition to whatever solar-powered source we were planning for it. I was misguided: Boulder considers the building an accessory structure, one that nobody plans to live in, and thus it needs no heating system at all. But, the helpful folk down at the city planning office pointed out, should we or anyone else want to someday live in the new studio, it would need a city-inspected and -approved heating system—so why not just throw one in now, while the tools are out anyway?

[tags]green, solar, heating, renovations, green, eco-friendly[/tags]

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