Young professionals in renewable energy in Canada

Invited this morning via

The idea here is to organize and connect young Canadian professionals interested in renewable energy. This is also a forum to discuss politics, technology, network, share suggestions and information, and post events in your local areas.

Everyone is welcome to join! Whether you are already working in the renewable energy field, in school studying or in a local activist group: If you are eager to learn more about renewable energy and help promote it in Canada then you’re the perfect person to join.

Young Professionals in Renewable Energy

The purpose of this group is get everyone together, as many people a possible, to discuss the incredible value of renewable energy: solar, wind, hydro, biomass, hydrogen, geothermal and other technologies that are out there and being developed.

Renewable energy is a proven technology, prices are dropping, the rest of the world is going that way, that’s where we should go as well!


[tags]energy, conservation, renewable, green, eco-friendly, solar, wind, hydro, biomass, hydrogen, geothermal[/tags]

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