Archive for September, 2007

Steve Wozniak is going green

Found this story about Apple founder, Steve Wozniak, and his ambition to build a green home in the future.

“I have a long dream to build my own house in a very energy-efficient approach. That’s going to be very soon. It uses the right kind of wood that serves as a heater and as an air conditioner, combined with some other techniques in how the wood is assembled to operate energy life pressure. You don’t have to add energy into a house after you build it. I love that concept. It’s like the way I used to make computers. I want to build it myself. That’s a project that could be finished this summer, next summer, but not too far from now.”

Read the rest of the article at

[tags]steve,wozniak,apple,engineer,green,energy-efficient,california,silicon valley,cupertino[/tags]

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The greening of college dorms

More college kids are concerned about the environment than ever before, studies say. And so are designers of university dorms–at least in some parts of the country.

This year, some co-eds at Pitzer College, in Claremont, Calif., are nestling into new dorms that boast rooftop gardens and photovoltaic panels. According to an article in the Los Angeles Times, campus officials say that new LEED-certified housing will soon replace all of the old dorms on campus.

Read more at Building Green

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Making green renovations worth it

Found at

For the past couple of weeks, has been following a green makeover of sorts. This week, they are looking at the heating situation.

Let’s skip the new green studio for a minute. The big task of the past few days has been in the main house. Some background: as I pointed out a while back, I had thought that Boulder city code would require our new studio building to have a backup heating source in addition to whatever solar-powered source we were planning for it. I was misguided: Boulder considers the building an accessory structure, one that nobody plans to live in, and thus it needs no heating system at all. But, the helpful folk down at the city planning office pointed out, should we or anyone else want to someday live in the new studio, it would need a city-inspected and -approved heating system—so why not just throw one in now, while the tools are out anyway?

[tags]green, solar, heating, renovations, green, eco-friendly[/tags]

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Young professionals in renewable energy in Canada

Invited this morning via

The idea here is to organize and connect young Canadian professionals interested in renewable energy. This is also a forum to discuss politics, technology, network, share suggestions and information, and post events in your local areas.

Everyone is welcome to join! Whether you are already working in the renewable energy field, in school studying or in a local activist group: If you are eager to learn more about renewable energy and help promote it in Canada then you’re the perfect person to join.

Young Professionals in Renewable Energy

The purpose of this group is get everyone together, as many people a possible, to discuss the incredible value of renewable energy: solar, wind, hydro, biomass, hydrogen, geothermal and other technologies that are out there and being developed.

Renewable energy is a proven technology, prices are dropping, the rest of the world is going that way, that’s where we should go as well!


[tags]energy, conservation, renewable, green, eco-friendly, solar, wind, hydro, biomass, hydrogen, geothermal[/tags]

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