How To: Use Google Earth or Virtual Earth to Visualize a New House Lot – Part 1

We were screwing around last weekend looking a houses and found a big empty lot that some folks are building houses on. I was surprised that the Real Estate folks (at least these) weren’t very computer savvy. Everything’s pushed around on paper. There’s no kiosk, no 3D renderings, nada. I wanted to understand how the neighborhood would lay out and where houses would sit, but other than pencil sketches, they couldn’t help me. Seems that this kind of thing could be very useful to a prospective buyer.

How To: Use Google Earth or Virtual Earth to Visualize a New House Lot – link

[tags]Google Maps, Real Estate, Planning, home building[/tags]


  1. That’s a COOL idea! I hate the way Realtors list vacant lots for construction with really cheesy photos and no additional information about the surroundings. One lot I saw on one of the Realtor website was next to railroad track, but they just happened to forget to list that info on the website. Wasted my afternoon, thanks to the simple mistake by that rotten Realtor!

  2. That is a REALLY GOOD idea, I use the google earth thing all the time when I am looking at property to buy in my business…

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