Sunday Reading – Life/Balance while working from home

This is not a green related article – but many people stopping by here are probably interested in building a home office. I am always looking for tips and suggestions on how to work from home while having a family and a life.

The drawbacks? It’s easy to get distracted, especially by household tasks or needy children or even relatives who don’t understand the “home office” concept and don’t get you’re truly working.

And for entrepreneurs who don’t have employees (or children or pets), working out of the home can be a lonely endeavor. Jeff Louderback, a home-based publicist in Orlando, says he gets up every morning, shaves and dresses professionally, and then heads to the office, which is the spare bedroom in his two-bedroom condo. While he’s happy to be free from office politics, he misses the camaraderie of co-workers. So he often takes his laptop to a local café “just to be around people,” he says. “I might not even talk to anyone, but just to hear the stir of human interaction, I just feel better.”

From Smart Money – link

[tags]work from home, small business, work life balance, office, home office[/tags]

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