Brad Pitt starts eco-friendly building project

This story is all over the blog-o-sphere today, so we thought we would put something up about it as well. We will link to the story over at Celebrity Moms because we like the blog! It’s not everyday that the world of Hollywood consumerism meets eco-friendly construction. We wonder how many solar panels Mr.Pitt’s home will have?

The groundwork begins today on the first of five energy-efficient homes in New Orleans in a project chaired by Brad Pitt for Global Green USA. The homes’ design is an attempt to show that building a green, envirnomental-friendly home “doesn’t have to look like a spaceship in the desert,” according to Pitt.

The homes are designed to produce up to 100% of their own electricity and are part of a larger development that will include 18 apartments and a community center in New Orleans’s hard-hit Ninth Ward. The building is being financed by the Home Depot Foundation.

“What if a home actually created energy instead of consuming it? What if your utility bill could be nothing?” Pitt asks.

Pitt himself is building his own green home, north of Santa Barbara. He hopes that the house will be so efficient and produce so much electricity from solar cells on the roof that it won’t need to be tied into the power grid at all.

Read the rest of the story about Brad Pitt’s eco-friendly house project over at Celebrity Moms.

[tags]brad pitt, angelina jolie, green building, eco-friendly, new orleans, environment[/tags]

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