How to: Go Green AND Save a Boatload of Money — 57 Tips, Tutorials, and Ideas

This was emailed to me earlier today – everyone loves to save money!

If you’ve taken the Ecological Footprint Quiz, the number of planets that you’ve destroyed with your carbon footprint is probably burned into your brain. But in your search for ways to reduce your impact on the planet, you learn that many suggestions turn out to be sales pitches for items that are well beyond your budget. Plus, some ideas about how to green up your life are almost impossible to comprehend, let alone implement. (Do you really need a solar-powered windmill?)

The following list provides you with 57 ways to go green and save a boatload of money at little to no cost. If you begin to share a ride to work with one person, for instance, you can save up to $780 per year. Other suggestions are negligible since they depend upon your current habits; however, in each instance you can learn more about subjects that will help you create your own formulas for saving the green in more ways than one.

Read the list on 57 ways to go green and save a boatload of money.

[tags]green, environment, money, savings, eco-friendly, recycle, walk, bike, public transit[/tags]

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