Nevada region to get support for green building

A region in Nevada is going to be getting support for new green building initiatives. Found at Nevada Appeal.

Another community to get support for green home building

The Truckee, Tahoe and Northern Nevada area was one of eight regions nationwide to be awarded expert assistance in promoting and encouraging sustainable building.

On Wednesday, experts in green building and sustainable development met in Kings Beach to gauge the issues that effect the community. In September a national panel will return and help local and regional officials craft policies to increase environmentally-sensitive building.

Recently, the Nevada Legislature passed a bill that will give tax breaks to certified green building projects. Sustainable and green building includes techniques such as using solar energy, water-conserving appliances and renewable materials.

“We’re looking at plans and policies that are in place, but we’re also looking at making recommendations for new plans and policies with a sustainable approach,” said Ric Licata, president of the Northern Nevada chapter of the American Institute of Architects, which won the grant.

The grant will help local green building advocates develop a strategy for increasing the use of environmental design in a region, irrespective of governmental boundaries, said Licata.

“I think that was the beauty of the grant, that we could span state lines and county lines and look at the area as a region,” Licata said.

After the September meetings, which will be open to the public, Licata said that the panel of experts will make recommendations on how governmental policies can promote green building, and how the design style can help solve regional issues such as affordable housing and water quality.

Licata said he hopes the grant, and all the other emphasis on green building in the region, will make the Truckee, Tahoe and Northern Nevada areas recognized leaders in the field.

“We can be an example to other regions on how we can work locally and globally to understand our region’s sustainability,” he said.

[tags]green building,nevada,community,home building,blogs,blogging[/tags]

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