Gas and electricity – Build green to save money and the planet

Everyone is having to examine how they use gas and electricity in their homes, especially those of us trying to be green while building a home. This article about building green and the impact on gas and electricity usage can be found at A to Z Building.

Gas and Electricity – New Home Design Solves Housing Energy Crisis

Not only is the energy needed to run a conventional house expensive, but so is the equipment. Heat pumps and furnaces cost money and have to be replaced every 10-15 years. So replacing equipment with good design saves initial cost, as well as running costs. But the big saver is the pre-cut numbered kit construction- labor costs go way down. “One of our clients in southern California built his Enertia® home for 25% of the local going total-cost square-foot rate,” says Sykes, inventor and President of the company. “While building green to reduce pollution is a noble cause, the real kicker that will save the planet is saving money. It’s expensive to foul the earth”

Once it was thought the home of the future would be plastic, but that thinking has changed with the shortage of petroleum. The current trend is to natural bio-based materials. Modern structures, like the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, are carbon fiber, so the skin of modern Enertia® homes are nature’s carbon fiber-wood in engineered glued layers for maximum strength. In the current trend for “Green” materials the Enertia® home is at the top- the kit materials are 100% renewable.

This huge carbon content is what really makes the Enertia® home stand out. “Do you know your carbon footprint?” says the BP television ad. By not needing fuel the home is close to a zero carbon footprint, but since the structure sequesters tons of carbon it makes the home better than ‘carbon neutral’- building one actually helps clean the planet. Sykes calculates “building and living in an Enertia® house is like taking 50 cars off the road.”

Read the rest of the article online.

[tags]Gas and electricity, blogs, blogging, daily, global warming, building[/tags]

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