Archive for February 15, 2006

The Green Blogathon is Coming…

Found at Sustainablog.

The Green Blogathon that Shea Gunther got going is really picking up steam, and a number of our compadres in the Sustainable Blogosphere will be joining in the fun of marathon-style blogging for a good cause. I haven’t yet made my intentions clear, and its time to do so. I’m going to stick to a 12-hour shift (don’t have days to recover like I did last summer — and I need ’em), and join Shea in raising funds for the Nature Conservancy. I’ll get 25 posts up, so let the pledging begin. You can make your pledge public in the comments, or email me at sustainablog at gmail dot com with it. Shea notes that $75 will save an acre of land in Brazil, so let’s see if we can’t do at least one here at sustainablog. That means I need a total of 3 dollars pledged for each post. 30 of you could pledge $.10/post, and we’re there… I know several of you have said you’d like to join in — make sure Shea knows… The dates again are February 24-25.

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Discover Landscape Architecture

Found at Land Living.

All right you landscape party people… the American Society of Landscape Architects has done it again, declared the month of April as National Landscape Architecture Month. So, order up a big load of mulch to celebrate, or keep an eye out for ASLA Chapter events… the weekly breakdown listed after the jump.

ASLA chapters across the country will celebrate with public outreach activities to help communities “Discover Landscape Architecture,” the theme for this year. The month encompasses Earth Day on April 22 and the birthday of Frederick Law Olmsted on April 27, who founded the American landscape architecture profession.

Link: ASLA – Landscape Architecture Month 2006

Article: Landscape Career Discovery (pdf)

Article: Hire A Landscape Architect To Add Value To Your Home (pdf)

Article: Design for Active Living (pdf)

To help people nationwide truly “discover landscape architecture”, national ASLA will be focusing on some of the lesser-known aspects of the profession throughout the month.

Read more about Landscape Architecture month.

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