BASF Launches

BASF Launches Financial News – Yahoo! Finance

The website steps the visitor through the home using a systems approach that integrates the three key elements to high performance building — the building exterior, mechanical HVAC and solar power.

The website allows the user to navigate the Near-Zero Energy Home in minutes and take from the experience real solutions and resources.

“The launch of and the demonstration home are in keeping with BASF’s long standing commitment to sustainable development and bringing cost-effective solutions to the building and construction industry — especially in cities like Paterson, N.J., where cost savings achieved through improved energy efficiency and low-maintenance durability are most needed,” according to Jack Armstrong, business manager for BASF’s Styropor® and expanded polystyrene business in North America.

Once the construction and demonstration phases are completed, the Near Zero Energy Home will be donated to the nonprofit St. Michael’s Housing Corporation as a home for a local family with a quadriplegic son. The project showcases elements of universal design to accommodate the family’s special needs.

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  1. pure luck i found your page.
    two thumbs up!

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