Archive for February 5, 2006

Treehugger BlogHugging – Our Favourite Greens Of The Week


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We TreeHuggers aren’t afraid to express our feelings you know. When we appreciate something we are going to show it love! Something we really appreciate is our fellow Green Blogs. It’s not always easy to follow the green path, it takes some serious dedication, and we are glad that we’re not on our own out there in blogland. We know there are plenty of people working hard to bang the eco-drum and we know that many voices are stronger that one voice. So we’re showing we care by ‘hugging’ five of our favourite green posts each week.

Eco.PSFK: M&S Launch Eco Line by Guy Brighton.
UK national retail treasure promote their environmental policies and new range of fairtrade cotton.

Grist: Madame Butterfly – Julia Butterfly Hill, activist and onetime tree-sitter, answers readers’ questions.

Inhabitat: Better Wall – Recycling Art Posters by Sarah Rich.
Another way of recycling PVC banners which doesn’t involve bags, what a relief!

WorldChanging: The Chinese Environmental Movement by Alex Steffen

Urban Eco: Carnival of the Green no.12.
Yes we are bloghugging this week’s chosen bloghuggers!

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SED Green Television – Canon Technology


Canon Technology -SED-
Low power consumption achieved due to high efficiency
Low power consumption is another main feature of the new display technology. SEDs convert electrical energy into light with a higher emission efficiency than other display types, resulting in power consumption that is two-thirds that of PDPs, and also surpasses CRTs and LCDs. In other words, SEDs are highly earth-friendly, meeting the needs of the times.

Read more about SED Technology.

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Touchless Dimmer Switch

From » Blog Archive » Touchless Dimmer Switch A sophisticated, versatile version of The Clapper, the Anigmo Touchless Dimmer Switch allows you to turn a light on and off by simply waving your hand over a sensor. You can also dim the light by holding your hand over the sensor. The piece can also be integrated into your living space, as a patented technology allows the sensor to detect the user’s hand through decorative coverings.

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International Builders Show and home-automation


Another theme of this years International Builders Show was technology and home automation.

Although new, home automation is expanding to virtually every aspect of the home and is now affordable for everyone. Most major subdivision home builders have been incorporating smart home technology into their homes in recent years due to consumer demand and as an [read more at]

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Recycling paper is often just about creating more (you guessed it) paper, but a Minnesotan company by the name of All Paper Recycling has been taking recycled paper and converting it into a lovely and versatile new building material called ShetkaSTONE. Completely made from all types of recycled paper (including waxed paper, glossy paper, and magazines), plants, and cloth fibers ShetkaSTONE can be used to create anything from doors, counter tops, benches, molding, soap dishes, and more.

Created by Stanly J. Shetka, president of All Paper Recycling, Inc., the patented process involved in creating ShetkaSTONE, creates a slurry made of the pre and post consumer waste which is then formed into the hardened product. Due to its recycled content, ShetkaSTONE has a 100% sustainable life cycle. Both the waste created in the manufacturing process as well as products that have become damaged or reached the end of the cycle can go back into the manufacturing process at ShetkaSTONE.

The strength and thickness of Shetkastone can be controlled during the creation process. The end product can go through any variety of construction methods including being sawed, sanded, glued, nailed and screwed together, as well as finished by sealants currently used on wood and stone.

Paper products account for 40% of the solid waste in the US, and only a small portion, (white and newspaper) are actually being recycled. The mission of All Paper Recycling, Inc. is “to reduce pre-consumer and post consumer waste through the creation of environmentally responsible products and building materials made from wastepaper, cloth or plant fiber”.

Read more about + ShetkaSTONE at

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