Archive for January 23, 2006

Site Inspection, January 23th 2006

Where the floor truses go in the insulated-concrete-form wall

Although the framing crew has not yet started, the rest of the pre-framing work has been completed today. The framers will start first thing tomorrow morning. It was a great day for weather and Urban Tech Homes from Calgary took advantage of that and cleaned the site and marked the walls for the installation of the floor trusses and beams. The rest of the images from the Site Inspection on Wednesday, January 23rd 2006 have been posted in the gallery.

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Interface Wins “Energy Partner of the Year” Award

From Tree Hugger:


TreeHugger loves the modular carpets and flooring tiles from Interface, for their groovy design but also for their outstanding socially and environmentally-responsible efforts, and here’s another notch in their belt. They are the recipient of the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) “Energy Partner of the Year” award for their work to convert methane from a local landfill into renewable energy.

David Hobbs, president of Interface Flooring Systems, is proud of their efforts: “By capturing the methane component of the landfill gas (LFG), using it to displace our use of natural gas and converting the excess to carbon dioxide via a flare, the global warming effects of this landfill are greatly reduced. Local businesses, including Interface, have access to a renewable fuel source and the City of LaGrange has realized a new revenue stream through the sale of the LFG.”

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Hey, if you’re voting Conservative today read this…

Today is federal election day in Canada. Recent polls suggest a Conservative party of Canada victory. Infact, the Conservative’s may win a majority number of seats.

This article from the The Toronto Star Newspaper shows what the election may mean for Canadians concerned about sustainable resources and alternative energy sources:

My column in today’s Toronto Star laments the fact that the environment was almost completely overlooked during this federal election campaign. It also gives a quick overview of each party’s environmental platform promises and concludes that a Conservative win today will be a huge setback for those concerned about climate change, pollution, and the need to invest in and promote the use of clean technologies.

If you don’t feel like reading about it, you can listen to a shorter version of the column via podcast.

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