Straw, Sticks & Bricks – An EcoMaterials Resource



Looking for a one-stop-shop to buy the various green building materials we are regularly noting here? Give Straw, Sticks & Bricks a whirl. We picked just a few from their vast selection for our little photo montage above. First is bamboo (nuff said!) flooring, followed by Durapalm, a palmwood lumber created from plantation palm trees no longer producing plam nuts (often after 80 years). Next in line is yet another Treehugger fav: Green roofs) can now be created as a modular system – 24″ x 24″ “trays” complete with the soil medium and plantings appropriate for your climate. The rich, gold coloured timber then along the collage is Mesquite salvaged from the burn piles of agricultural land clearing. And last, but not least, is Interface’s FLOR carpet derived from an annually renewable resource – corn. These materials and a whole whack more can be supplied by Straw, Sticks & Bricks, who’ve had a retail store in Lincoln, Nebraska since earth day 2004, and recently opened another in Kansas City. They also ship nationwide, via their website ::Straw, Sticks & Bricks.


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