Architectural Sustainability Goals

Architectural Record News | AIA Board of Directors Sets Ambitious Agenda for Sustainability
AIA Board of Directors Sets Ambitious Agenda for Sustainability

December 27, 2005

By now the statistics are familiar: Buildings use massive quantities of raw materials, and consume nearly half of the energy used in the U.S. and 70 percent of the electricity generated. In fact, research shows that buildings are bigger resource hogs than the pollution-spewing cars and trucks that clog our nation’s arteries.

But last week, in a bold step to reverse the environmental impact of the design, construction, and operation of buildings, the AIA’s board of directors released policy statements that set a goal of slashing the fossil fuel consumption of buildings by 50 percent in four years, with additional 10-percent reductions every five years thereafter. They also expressed support for consensus-based standards for sustainable design (To read the full text of the policy statements, click here).

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