Archive for January 9, 2006



pre-fab house

Wired magazine has a great new piece on prefab in their latest issue. The article covers some of our favorite leaders in the prefab movement, including:

Also mentioned are the Wee House (pictured at right) and homes by Rocio Romero and Marmol Radziner. The last page provides prices, square footage and other practical details you might need when considering jumping on the prefab bandwagon.


[tags]wired, magazine, pre-fab, homes, modular, houses, ecology, green, eco-friendly[/tags]

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Site Inspection – January 9th, 2006

Photos taken on January 9th, 2006

The first floor truss system, ready to be installed on January 13th, 2006.

The first floor truss system sits on site, ready to be installed on January 13th 2006.

View more house building images from our January 9th, 2006 site visit.

[tags]house, building, construction, ecology, green, eco-friendly, gallery, photos, images[/tags]

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